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Zimbabwe's president has threatened to nationalize all...

4 Mars 2011 , Rédigé par afrohistorama, Toute l'histoire sans histoire

Mugabecloseuppresident Mugabe African national Hero.



 Zimbabwe's president has threatened to nationalize all foreign companies, in retaliation for economic sanctions imposed by the international community known commonly as Nebula to his country because of land reform it has made since 5 years  ago(Reminder: 2% were white own 80% of the land that their ancestors were taken by force to their arrival in Zimbabwe 100 years ago).
 President Robert Mugabe said on Wednesday, especially banks and companies under British control, saying the British interests controlled 400 companies in the former British colony and that it must stop. For all companies working with the slavery system of apartheid Yan and Smith must pay today.
"It is now time to act and start looking at these companies, we must take charge," Mugabe at a rally at the beginning of a campaign to collect two million signatures for a national petition to resume business
He accused the banks Barclays and Standard Chartered to take money out of Zimbabwe's economy and use it to support the destabilization of the country and this is unacceptable. This kind of thing should not be tolerated. Dignity above all.
He said the British and other European and American interests have also taken profits on mining and other enterprises. "We say no to that," Mugabe said.
He also demanded business leaders belonging to the nebulous international to denounce the destabilization of the country effectively.
Trucks and buses carrying supporters of Mugabe arrived Wednesday morning in an open field at the edge of downtown. Supporters singing slogans and vivid brand Mugabe tight-fist welcomed.
The former opposition party of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, in a fragile coalition with Mugabe boycotted the meeting.
In a statement, Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change supported by the nebula like Alassane Ouattara  in Ivory Coast, said that measures against Mugabe and his ZANU-PF give rise to difficulties in the country and that is unacceptable. Adding that we should not starve a people under the pretext that it is not its president is a crime against humanity.
The statement said that Tsvangirai has distanced himself from the "unpopular and bloodthirsty" of his party.
Mugabe insists Western sanctions have destroyed Zimbabwe's economy is very true, but will not erode the morale and dignity of Zimbabweans. If the think  that we will give back the land to the whites, perhaps yes, but in Europe, not in Zimbabwe, said an official of the party's youth.

"Although some progress has been made in Zimbabwe, particularly on economic stabilization, since the signing of the agreement  of power sharing, the nebula persists  in her sanctions despite the power sharing agreement, and you can clearly see that this is against the black people of Zimbabwe , but this aims days are numbered.

Businesses closed their doors across Harare that Mugabe's supporters around 20,000 converged on the rally Wednesday. Many fans were seen leaving the meeting at Mugabe touched by the speech of 80 minutes over white domination in the history of the nation's colonial era and the opposition of Western progress of Black people.
"Sanctions are a racist attack on African people. Sanctions are a flagrant violation of human rights. Sanctions are an attack against all Zimbabweans; they are not personalized or targeted.

MS. Mbombog Ntohol

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