Mauritania: journey to the heart of an Islamic and slavery state in Africa
Mauritania: journey to the heart of an Islamic and slavery state in Africa
Between black Africa and the Maghreb, the Islamic and barbaric Republic of Mauritania is a crossroads mainly composed countries 'Black African' descendants of African empires and kingdoms that once controlled a large part of this area (ref: Empire Mali - Songhai empire - Fouta toro kingdom - the kingdom of Walo ...), Arab-Berber (also called Beydanes) arrived over the Islamic conquests and finally Haratines (Black people, owners of the land) who the transforms slaves.
Slavery! This is a crime that for many of us is part of history, the past, but in Mauritania this burning issue is still relevant as this African country yet geographically earned the dubious record of being the last in the world to abolish the tragedy. And again!
In the Arab and Islamic self-proclaimed republic of slavery remains far despite abolition (stress? Forced?) Made very late in 1981, still between 5% and 20% of the total population of the country is a victim of this drama (the country holds the world record in terms of proportion of population subject to slavery).
If slavery continues to exist in this country is due to a combination of factors that are approving silence of much of its population, lobbies very people that take advantage of this status quo have no desire to change the situation so as not to lose their privileges, but also the complicity of state authorities that despite having abolished slavery in 1981 (probably to spend more frequentable the eyes of the international community) do nothing for eradicate in practice.
This is especially true for the various schemes that have succeeded at the head of the country maintain ambiguity on the issue, the evidence of associations fighting against slavery slaughtering a great job within the countries are regularly repressed and imprisoned by the state authorities. The latest is the arrest and imprisonment of Ould Abeid Birame and 17 of his companions all members of the Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement in Mauritania (IRA) known for their activism against experienced slavery in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
Long before them a young named Mohamed Ould Sheikh Mohamed has also paid the price for having written a letter in which he condemned the prioritization of society - the caste system and the injustice that is slavery, he was arrested and detained and risk at the moment of the death penalty.
Faced with such a scenario where repression remains systematic for those who in this country trying to denounce and combat this sinister crime against humanity that is slavery, it is important that we and other neighboring countries beyond all African countries even all those for whom equality is not empty word show our solidarity and denounce this slave country, each goes his own way. What would have become Mandela and South Africa if neighboring countries like Zimbabwe - Botswana and all other African countries had not reacted strongly to denounce apartheid? It is up to Mauritanians to fight on the ground slavery but their struggle could not be effective with a full support of their African brothers first because the Arabic and Islamic Republic of Mauritania Slaver does not seem inclined to treat all its Arab citizens as black in the same way, their exploits religion shot charge of apostasy of fatwa to permanently silence those who say NO to slavery.
Oh yes! No need to rely on the African Union since the organization has pushed the cap up to be headed by a putschist president from a country where slavery still reigns and where we bullied daily black Africans. It speaks for itself.
Translation from French: Afrohistorama communication By Mame Diarra Baldé Source: